Bob Schatz
CST & PhD in Management in Strategic Leadership
About Bob Schatz
CST & PhD in Management in Strategic Leadership
With 40+ years of high-performance leadership experience, Dr. Bob Schatz is a leader in the Agile community, successfully implementing agile development techniques, such as Scrum and XP, and driving culture changes in large organizations.
Bob has helped many companies in their transition to agile development methods, using interactive exercises to teach the skills needed to work with Scrum teams in complex enterprise environments. Together with Ken Schwaber, co-creator of Scrum, and Bob Martin, they created one of the first true agile success stories in the transition to using Scrum and XP.
Keys to Bob’s effectiveness:
- Doctorate of Management in Strategic Leadership
- Over 40 years experience in leading software, systems, and organizational development
- Experience in team training using lean/agile development techniques such as Scrum, XP, and Kanban
- Certified AgilityHealth Facilitator
- Scrum Alliance Certifications: CSM, CSPO, CST, CSP, CFE
5-Star Google Review: “Bob isn’t so much an individual as he is a turning point. Take his course(s) - and take it seriously - and you’ll find a newfound enthusiasm for your work you may well have been searching for.”
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