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Succeeding with Business Agility: Applying “Beyond Budgeting”

3/9/2023 | Presented by Bjarte Bogsnes

Succeeding with Business Agility: Applying “Beyond Budgeting”

In the past, many organizations used agile practices limited to technology teams. Today, the fastest-growing companies are using agile across the entire company, from finance to marketing to manufacturing and more.

Business agility helps businesses gain a strategic advantage and improve their overall operating models.

This session will address how an entire organization can be run in an agile way, where people and interactions are more valued than processes and tools, and where responding to change is more important than following a plan.

You will get unique insights into business agility in practice, both from managerial, financial, and human perspectives. Applying beyond budgeting principles can further enhance these insights.

What You Will Learn

This session will demonstrate how to run an entire organization in an agile way.

Create an environment where people and interactions are more valued than processes and tools, and where responding to change is more important than following a plan. Attendees will get unique insights into:

  • Business agility in practice, including managerial, financial, and human perspectives.
  • The pitfalls of scaled agile, and how to avoid or troubleshoot them.
  • Common KPI issues and how to build better measures.
  • Gaining a competitive advantage through management innovation.

ABOUT Bjarte Bogsnes

Bjarte Bogsnes, author of “Implementing Beyond Budgeting - Unlocking the Performance Potential,” and former executive at Equinor (formerly Statoil), will present how to scale agile to the enterprise level by learning practical methods for resource allocation.

Attendees will learn how to create dynamic forecasting in a way that works for large companies, and how to set up the business for transparency with self-regulating management mechanisms.

These methods foster trust and empowerment and redefine performance measures — all without losing control of the bottom line.

Bjarte Bogsnes has guided companies all over the world in getting started on a Beyond Budgeting journey.

At Equinor (formerly Statoil), he scrapped the former budgeting processes (and much more) in 2005, leading the company to a total agile transformation. Bjarte will share this and many other great transformation case studies during the presentation.

Join us to learn how succeeding with business agility is possible through applying beyond budgeting principles and practices.

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